In Movers and Shakers, we build on all the Bouncing Beans experiences. We continue to have lots of multi-sensory fun as we sing familiar songs then introduce a further range of carefully chosen songs which prepare the way for incremental musical learning. Mummy Bear and Baby Bear feature strongly as children internalise the core skill of beat keeping, and learn to tell the difference between crotchets and quavers (although we’re not calling it by these names yet). All of these activities gradually evolve to build their understanding in tiny steps.

It is such a pleasure to see the personality of each young child blossom – whether that’s the look of delight on their face (and their accompanying adult!) as they ‘find their voice’ and sing their own greeting for the first time or seeing older children feel the power they wield with the red/ green lollipop, conducting their classmates to sing or play instruments out loud or think the words in their head!
Social learning is very apparent as well, with children eager to help with putting away scarves and instruments, learning how to collaborate to make the froggy jump up from the lycra pond and taking turns to play the xylophone. These are all skills which help set them up beautifully for their upcoming transition to school.
Children and adults – parents, grandparents, carers - are fully engaged in the sessions, creating beautiful harmonies when singing in canon, developing magical bonds and making connections with other families which lead to long-lasting friendships, quite apart from a deepening love and understanding of how music really works!